Victor Frankenstein: I must save you from all of this, one way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you. Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me. - Hi Quoters
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Picture About Victor Frankenstein: I must save you from all of this, one way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you. Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me.
Victor Frankenstein: I must save you from all of this, one way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you.
Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me.
Our sharing this time about Victor Frankenstein: I must save you from all of this, one way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you. Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me.
, Hopefully this gives strength and hope and could add to the inspiration, although only a picture, but the meaning contained quite inspiring.
You are browsing the inspiration of Victor Frankenstein: I must save you from all of this, one way or another. You're my responsibility. I created you. Lily: I need no man to save me. And I think, in a way, I created you more than you created me. If you found this article helpful, please share it to family, friends, acquaintances or anyone else, hopefully you become a givers inspiration for the success of those around you.GOD BLESS YOU
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